Therapeutic Garden Info
A variety of requests are coming in from folks who want to get involved in the Therapeutic Garden Project. This is very encouraging. As this is a volunteer initiative, we are still working through the growing pains of getting it off the ground and bringing in volunteers to help make this happen that keeps us all on the same page.
We have several needs that include ALL HANDS on DECK that anyone can do NOW: Please let us know what you can do and when. This will require coordination between Blockhouse School work parties and/or Hinchinbrook (Patty) & Meredith (MBFM).
- Removing ALL debris from both sides of the chainlink fence ASAP (can be moved to Patty’s property)
- Removing all wood from octagon and star beds — pressure treated wood goes down hill to chainlink fence area
- Regrading octagon with the pea gravel (and replacing with pile by swings — our error)
Building the initial Beds
Rosmarie Lohnes of Helping Nature Heal & her team (with Meredith & Patty) are doing their community service with the construction of the 4 new raised beds once site is ready. This is to give us a head start this year. If more hands are needed, we will put out a call.
2-4 teepees will also be constructed for beans, shelters, etc. — volunteers may help with accessing/cutting/assembling 8 ft poles for this purpose. Connect with Meredith if you want to take on this task.
Hinchinbrook Volunteer Training required for working with Hinchinbrook Family participants:
The Hinchinbrook Therapeutic Garden Parent/child garden team is made up of Hinchinbrook Families/volunteers. Any new volunteers who want to work with the Hinchinbrook Garden team/participants MUST take volunteer training through the Hinchinbrook Farm Society (next session is Sunday, May 18th. Contact Patty McGill to sign up for this email hidden; JavaScript is required).
Mahone Bay Farmers’ Market Garden Team Volunteers:
Volunteers/Team Helpers who ONLY want to help maintain the garden when not in use by Hinchinbrook — weeding, watering, re-planting, building structures, teepees, etc. — can sign up with Meredith on Tuesdays at the Mahone Bay Farmers’ Market or by email at email hidden; JavaScript is required. The garden will need some care and attention to help us get this off the ground and to keep it in good shape.
Garden waivers will be ready for folks to sign at the first day of the Market Season Tuesday, May 27th. This is an insurance requirement. The appropriate use of photographs/confidentiality issues of usage/permissions for release, etc. regarding Hinchinbrook participants must also honoured.
Expansion to open community gardening alongside the Hinchinbrook playground beds may be part of this evolution — once the participants have established their relationship with this novel project, and have expanded their comfort zone in co-working with a wider social group. This would also entail meeting other insurance & confidentiality requirements as per the partnership with the Hinchinbrook Farm Society Charitable organization.
I would encourage all potential volunteers who want community garden experience and opportunities to join the SSSVC & Blockhouse School projects and other garden activities/permaculture course and work days to expand on the gardens that have been started on the site. This working side by side will build other collaborative working scenarios to benefit these different participant groups.
Meredith Bell,
Market Manager, Mahone Bay Farmers’ Market
Coordinator, Therapeutic Market Garden: Garden/Site Volunteers/garden maintenance
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Patricia McGill,
Contact for Hinchinbrook Farm: Gardening with Hinchinbrook Families Participants/volunteers
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