Special Resolutions to be voted on at AGM
The following Special Resolutions, which are amendments to our Bylaws as a Co-operative under the Registry of Joint Stocks, Co-operatives Branch, must be voted on at our Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2015.
(If they look familiar, it is because they were passed at last year’s AGM but were not sent to the Co-operatives Branch for approval, so we must vote on them again. Amendments will be considered at the AGM.)
Motion regarding Directors
Whereas the Blockhouse School Project has many aspects requiring the active input and involvement of a wide range of people:
Be it resolved that Section 10(a) of the SSSVC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, be amended as follows:
The number of persons serving on the board of directors shall be an odd number between 3 and 9. Directors shall be elected for a term of up to 3 years, with the maximum number of terms a director may serve being 2. New directors shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting as needed to fill vacancies.
and that Section 10(c) of the SSSVC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, be amended as follows:
The directors shall meet as often as the business of the Co-operative may require but not less than 6 times per year. They shall also attend to the business of the Co-operative by electronic means, and may vote on board matters electronically.
A quorum shall consist of 50% + 0.5 directors.
Motion regarding quorum
- SSSVC is a broad-based membership organization;
- there are many people who support the organization in various ways but who don’t live near enough to the Blockhouse School Project to attend meetings;
- a broad-based membership supports the overall goals of SSSVC;
Therefore let the following be added to the SSSVC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, replacing section 9(b):
(i) The base for determining quorum shall consist of the number of current members residing in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia;
(ii) 10% of that number shall constitute quorum;
(iii) any current member residing outside Lunenburg County and attending a meeting may also vote and have their vote counted; and
(iv) the presence of members residing outside Lunenburg County shall not contribute to the number required for quorum.
Motion regarding Notice of Meetings
Whereas sending out notices by regular mail is increasingly expensive in terms of postage and also volunteer time,
Be it resolved that section 9(c) of the SSSVC Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws be replaced with the following:
Notice of annual or special meetings shall be announced by at least two e-mails to members, with the first e-mail sent at least 10 days prior to the meeting, and shall also be posted on the Co-operative’s website(s) and in the electronic calendar used on the website(s).