Impromptu musical event, Wed. July 29
We have a very short-notice opportunity to host a musical adventure at Blockhouse School tomorrow (Wednesday) evening, beginning at 7:47
Long time friend Skip LaPlante from NYC is visiting & brought one of his inventions with him. Skip makes instruments from recycled materials, composes work and then plays it-sometimes with his collective in NY and often by himself at various venues open to experimental music.
A highly trained and skilled percussionist, Skip can, & will, jam with anyone in any style of music. Skip worked in the NYC school system for many decades.
Our plan is to quickly get in touch with folks in the local music community who may have an interest in working (bring an ax) /listening with Skip for an evening, going where the sound takes us. Skip will start with a solo composition & then branch out from there.
In addition we are inviting people who like to move. The intention is that sometimes the players will follow the dancers and vice versa. Sometimes participants will just jam!
The audience will consist mainly of family & friends of the participants and the door will be open, similar to Open Mic sessions. Please do invite friends! There will be no charge for the event but we will put out a donations jar as usual.
David C.
PS: Meet him in this video: