Artisan Showcase opened
Our Artisan Showcase opened officially during our CommuniTEA and Open House on Aug. 25, 2012. Woodworker Lloyd Klassen made the sign on the outside of what used to be the principal’s office.
Continue reading →Our Artisan Showcase opened officially during our CommuniTEA and Open House on Aug. 25, 2012. Woodworker Lloyd Klassen made the sign on the outside of what used to be the principal’s office.
Continue reading →Our flagship event of the summer! In conjunction with the Bridgewater Growing Green Festival, we are hosting a CommuniTEA & Open House on Aug. 25 at the Blockhouse School. Come see what we’ve done, what is underway and what will … Continue reading →
David has transformed the exterior wall of the Artisan Showcase by turning the flaking, fading, painted cedar shingles around and nailing them back in place. Rather than paint the shingles, we’ll let them fade naturally to silver. Such re-use of … Continue reading →
Our big summer event at The Blockhouse School will be on Saturday, August 25, in conjunction with the Bridgewater Growing Green Festival. We will be open from 11 – 4:30, rain or shine. Planned activities on site include: Tasting of … Continue reading →
UPDATE July 20: The Artisan Showcase now has its own section on this website. The Artisan Showcase, located in the former administration office off the gym, is coming together, showing the work of several members and directors. Many of the … Continue reading →
We’re not recycling in name only, we’re recycling the name! Literally. Letter-ally. What can you spell with the letters in “ECOLE DE LA RIVE-SUD”? Our word wizards came up with this solution: Particularly apt for our new Artisan Showcase, don’t … Continue reading →