The second phase covers roughly 2013-2017, or years 2 to 5 of the project. Many of the items in this phase are only possible once we have title to the property.
A. Greenhouse in sunny corner of building
- Maximizes use of the microclimate, south-facing and sheltered
- Wraps around the corner
- Could be a geodesic structure
- Enables growing of species from warmer climates
- Passive solar heat to building
- Portable classroom can be moved on rollers to location of smaller swing set (not shown in diagram)
B. Earth-banked greenhouse below the raised beds
C. Continue developing the incubator farm along the swales on the south-facing slope.
- Greens in shadier places
- A few dwarf trees for a sparse food forest
- Acid-loving plants (i.e. blueberries) near the big pines and spruce.
D. Outdoor classroom with Kachelofen, gazebo
- behind school
- Kachelofen has seats on the warm masonry
- wheelchair accessible,
- sheltered
E. Prometheus solar collector
- With holding tank in existing basement space underneath the parking lot
- Heats the building and more….
F. Swale big lawn near windbreak
- To grow grain (to be harvested by scythe) amid haskaps and other short fruit bushes on narrow berms that serve as windbreaks, increase diversity, reduce pests, and add organic matter to the soil.
G. Boardwalk through wetlands
- Build first leg of boardwalk linking to rail trail
- Signage and interpretation panels
H. Floating duck shelter on existing pond
This can be done within limitations of what can be done on existing wetlands.
J. New pond
- Could be a natural swimming pool with shallower areas for vegetation
- Would require community agreement, as the area designated for a community park includes most of the area where a pond could go.
- Aquaculture
K. Cell grazing below septic
- Keep suckers from poplars at bay.
- Pigmy goats, not pigs
- Or greywater treatment, depending on what happens in this matter
L. Expand nursery according to needs
M. Kiosk at end of school for selling nursery products
Other items:
- Guinea hen patrol station
- Develop community garden
- Combination lock on a shed for community garden
- Tool share shed
- More living willow fence
- Honour system kiosk for surplus produce
- Compost heating for hot water and shower using old radiators
Years 2-5 (Phase 2) plan — No Comments
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