Permaculture students arriving
Today is arrival day for the Permaculture Design Certification course.
Students are arriving from near and far with their camping gear.
Last night Graham gave his very interesting Intro to Permaculture talk to about 20 people from the community. It stimulated a lot of thinking and ideas.
Today Graham and Marie-Claire are setting up the classroom, greeting the students, and having a wide range of conversations with those of us who have been onsite.
The kitchen is busy, as Nancy S. and Nancy O. prepare for two weeks of cooking for 20.
As a former school parent, I (Heather) am really enjoying the changing ambiance as the buildings and site take on a whole new energy, purpose and direction.
I’m taking the course, and will be blogging and taking lots of pictures. See the menu: Permaculture > PDC 2012 > Photo Gallery for pictures.
~ Heather Holm