Watch Food Entrepreneurs Pitch to Gentle Dragons!
FarmWorks Investment Coop Gentle Dragons’ Den
At The Blockhouse School, November 9th, 12 – 4 pm.
Everyone interested in eating local food, and supporting food production, is invited to attend.
Tickets $5 – includes light lunch.
Plus – Wonderful Local Food Available for Purchase.
Food Entrepreneurs will present their plans for increasing sustainable production. The “Gentle Dragons” and the Audience will ask questions and make suggestions.
Dragons are provided by FarmWorks, a Community Economic Development Investment Fund (CEDIF) dedicated to supporting food self-sufficiency in Nova Scotia.
Each entrepreneur will have five minutes and up to 10 slides to tell their stories, followed by Q&A and comments from the “Gentle Dragons” and the audience.
Application deadline was October 26.
FarmWorks Investment Co-op’s mission is to promote and provide strategic and responsible community investment in food production and distribution in order to increase access to a sustainable local food supply for all Nova Scotians.
FarmWorks Directors and Advisors will provide a minimum of two hours assistance to qualifying presenters who are seeking loans from FarmWorks.
Slow Money: “We must learn to invest as if food, farms and fertility mattered. We must connect investors to the places where they live, creating vital relationships and new sources of capital for small food enterprises.”
Other Food Entrepreneur Showcases:
Masonic Hall, Baddeck, Nov. 14th, 6 pm
Wolfville Farmers’ Market, Nov. 17th, 6 pm
Download a printable poster to help us promote this Showcase at Blockhouse School.