The Blockhouse School ProjectPosted on by Heather Holm
An ongoing photo gallery of happenings at The Blockhouse School Project in 2014. If you have some to add, send them to the webmaster at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
We Dig Food therapeutic garden
Site of future Therapeutic Garden
We Dig Food garden beds taking shape
Potlucks continued through winter
Sustainability Expo
Artisan Showcase sign gets colour
Outdoor bookwall around kiwi/haskap bed
Ripe haskap berries, June 2014
Liam Taylor’s presentation on haskaps
Liam Taylor pours Haskap juice for tasting
Permaculture class, Gregoire in light blue shirt
At the Blockhouse School on July 1
PDC group work on a design project
Spring 2014: evolving hugelkultur bed
Painting Sunshine
Flag raising!
Farmers’ Market, July
Spring Herb walk
Jeanette Poirier, Herbalist
Music at the Farmers’ Market
Volunteers in the spring (kale)
Hinchenbrook menagerie
Kubota action
European Hawthorne nursery bed
African pygmy goats from Hinchenbrook
Buddy and friend
Hinchenbrook Farm visits
Egyptian Walking Onions
Spiral herb garden after spring renovations
Ma Bell’s Hinchenbrook Farm jams and jellies
Music just happening at the market
Accordion school
Artist Play Date
2014 Market handout
Jeanette and the hawthorne hedge
Food Awareness Week booth during the farmers market
Visitors at the school for our Permaculture Potluck. Credit: Camelia Frieberg
A turn along the trail
The end of the trail
Rosmarie Lohnes (squatting) and her crew from Helping Nature Heal