Tiny Studio progress Aug. 14
The progress is a little less obvious today than yesterday, as it involved more finicky work with fascia boards and soffits.
Lloyd and David also picked up some trim and hardware donated by local MODL councillor Michael Ernst.
A lot of thought and care goes into building a structure when you’re working with materials from a variety of sources. For example, our salvage operation yielded some fine, dry 2x4s. But new 2x4s are milled smaller than 2x4s used to be. So the older, larger ones became rafters, while the studs are all new material. You can’t mix them or the result would be uneven.
If you were building on an assembly line with all new materials, the same every time, there’d be less “head scratching”. But this is a prototype. We’re building local knowledge at the same time that we’re building the Tiny Studio.