Who Will Win the Tiny Studio?
Who will win the Tiny Studio?
August 14, 2013 (Blockhouse, NS) – Excitement is mounting as the date of the draw for the Tiny Studio approaches.
The 140 sq. ft. building is being built and raffled by The Blockhouse School Project to raise funds for infrastructure projects at the old school.
Lunenburg MLA Pam Birdsall will draw the winning ticket at 2 pm on Saturday, August 17th.
The Studio is under construction at the old Blockhouse School.
Regular photo updates are being made to the group’s website at TheBlockhouseSchool.org.
“We won’t get the building finished before the draw,” says board member and chief carpenter Lloyd Klassen, “but that’s a good thing for the winner, as we can arrange the interior to suit their needs.”
“This has been a wonderful project to sell tickets for,” says board member Heather Holm, who has been taking credit card orders for tickets by phone. “Everyone has a vision for what they would do with it – a craft studio or an office out of the house, a place for the kids to hang out, a guesthouse or a cottage.”
The studio is designed to be transportable by road to the winner’s site without special permits. The winner is responsible for transportation costs, though the group will help make arrangements.
A limited number of tickets are available. Tickets cost $50 each or 3 for $120. More information and instructions for ordering tickets can be found at www.TheBlockhouseSchool.org.
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About The Blockhouse School Project
The old Blockhouse School is being leased by MODL to South Shore Social Ventures Coop Ltd., which was formed to repurpose abandoned properties into sustainable community development projects.
About Images
High resolution image of a rendering by Zane Murdoch of Precipice Design available at:
More images available on request, including high resolution versions of photos on the website. Contact Heather Holm for photos.
Heather Holm
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Lloyd Klassen
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